Issue Position: Life

Issue Position

By: Rod Blum
By: Rod Blum
Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Reproduction


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

LIFE was No. 1 on the list of rights named by our founding fathers, and it is No. 1 on my list as well.

I respect and will fight to defend the sanctity of life from conception to cradle to grave.

I value life every time I look into the eyes of my wife Karen, and my children. And it was my respect for life that led Karen and I to open our home to Malcolm, an orphaned teenager from the southside of Chicago.

I support passage of the Protect Life Act, that applies the Hyde Amendment to all government programs and ensures no federal funds will pay for abortions. The Protect Life Act prohibits federal tax credits and cost-sharing reductions from being used to pay for abortions or health care plans that include abortion coverage. It also prevents local governments and health care providers that receive federal health funding from discriminating against hospitals and doctors who refuse to perform abortions or make abortion referrals.

I also support passage of the Protecting Life in Funding Education (PRO-LIFE) Act. This legislation will ensure taxpayer dollars aren't funding abortion advocacy in public schools. It restricts funding to school districts that contract with third party "school-based health centers" unless they certify they won't perform abortions and they won't provide abortion referrals or materials to students.

Pro-life means protecting the lives of the unborn AND the born. With the advent of ObamaCare and its Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), we must insure government bureaucrats are not making the life and death decisions for our nation's elderly. We must respect and defend the lives of our elderly and the sick who can't speak for themselves.
